NCEA Review - Public Consultation

The Ministry of Education is looking at ways to improve NCEA that will benefit all our young people, rangatahi and other learners, and they want your help to make it happen. The public consultation period has been extended and invites anyone with an interest in NCEA to share their thoughts. This is a chance to strengthen NCEA to make sure it works well for our students, whānau, teachers and wider community. Your say will help make the qualification relevant, accessible, and achievable for all students. Please join in the conversation and submit your ideas, experiences and suggestions for change.

The Education Conversation website has all the detail you need:

Ways to Have Your Say:

  • Complete a survey online
  • Lead a group discussion on ways NCEA can be strengthened and use the findings to write a group submission
  • Submit a detailed submission online
  • Make Your Mark Competition
  • Ask Me Anything - go online to join a discussion about NCEA
  • Post your views on social media #NCEAReview #NCEAHaveYourSay
