Awatapu College Uniform Regulations
Uniform items are available for purchase from NZ Uniform, Shop 2, 589B Tremaine Avenue in Palmerston North.
In all cases, the Principal's ruling on the suitability of any item of clothing or a student's presentation will be final.
Years 9-11 Students — Uniform
Shirt Year 9 2025 - Regulation grey with College monogram. White top only may be worn underneath.
Year 10 - 11 for 2025. Regulation grey or white with College monogram. White top only may be worn underneath.
Shorts/Pants Regulation grey (short or long). Sandals may not be worn with long pants.
Skirt Regulation checked skirt with black/white/red stripe. No shorter than mid-thigh length.
Jersey Regulation woollen black with College monogram or, regulation black polar fleece
style jacket with College monogram.
Rain Jacket Plain black rain jacket. Hoodies, sweatshirts and coloured jackets will NOT be permitted.
Shoes Plain Black shoes, or dress shoes with solid sole or stepped heel. No white/coloured soles/logos.
No boots (ankle, work, basketball, gumboots or otherwise), scuffs, Crocs etc.
NB: Shoes may be worn all year round (refer to sock regulations).
Shoes must be worn in laboratories/workshops.
Sandals Black with back strap. Back strap must be worn up when wearing.
NB: Covered shoes must be worn in workshops and laboratories.
Socks Regulation grey with gold/black/gold band or plain white socks (no coloured stripes/logos etc).
Black full-length tights can be worn with the skirt.
NB: Socks may not be worn with sandals.
Jewellery Only the following items are allowed: a wristwatch and one plain stud or sleeper in each ear
and/or one small plain nose stud (not septum piercing or nose rings).
A taonga of cultural significance may be worn. Hair accessories must be plain/discrete.
Sun Cap Regulation black cap. Caps may not be worn inside classrooms (including Gym/Auditorium).
Bandanas or non-regulation beanies are not acceptable.
Beanie Regulation black beanie with College monogram. Beanies may not be worn
inside classrooms (including Gym/Auditorium).
Bandanas or non-regulation caps are not acceptable.
Scarf Plain black.
Gloves Plain black.
Physical Education Plain tee-shirt or training top, shorts, track pants, gym shoes and swimming togs when required.
Grooming—Yr 9 to 11
▪ Hair must be kept well-groomed, clean and tidy - clear of the face and eyes
▪ Only natural hair colour tones are acceptable
▪ Extreme hairstyles are not allowed e.g. mohawk, shaved designs
▪ No facial hair
▪ Tattoos should be covered up while in school uniform, unless they are of religious or cultural significance. Evidence may be required of the tattoo’s relevance and/or significance if requested by the Senior Management Team. If the Principal believes the threshold has not been met they must be covered up. No offensive tattoos are to be visible.
▪ No visible body piercing other than earrings and/or a plain, small nose stud (see jewellery regulations)
▪ Makeup must be discreet
▪ CLEAR nail polish only (no colours—including Black/White)
Mufti Code or Mufti Day
Years 12 and 13 students wear mufti all year round.
Student Council organises mufti days for other year levels.
Students are expected to dress in a neat and tidy manner, to take pride in their appearance, to present a positive image of Awatapu College.
Mufti Code — Clothing
Clothing should be appropriate for a school setting.
The following are not acceptable:
▪ Crop or off the shoulder tops
▪ Low cut tops
▪ Exposed bra straps
▪ Patched, torn, cut, unhemmed or ripped clothing/jeans
▪ Clothing with offensive logos, pictures or language
e.g. drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex-related logos, gang insignia pictures or language
▪ Bandanas or non-regulation beanies
▪ Very short skirts and shorts
▪ Offensive / inappropriate tattoos
Mufti Code — Footwear
Should be safe and appropriate to wear in a school setting. The following are not acceptable:
▪ Bare feet, work boots, gumboots, slippers or rubber jandals
NB: Shoes must be worn in laboratories and workshops.
Mufti Code — Grooming
▪ Hair must be kept well-groomed, clean and tidy - clear of the face and eyes
▪ Only natural tones are acceptable
▪ Extreme hairstyles are not allowed, e.g. mohawk, rats tail, shaved designs
▪ No facial hair
▪ Make-up must be discreet
▪ No visible body piercing other than earrings and/or a plain, small nose stud (see jewellery regulations)
Honours Awards
Year 11 students receiving awards must be in full school uniform. All other students must be dressed formally. The College Mufti Code applies, but please note that shorts, jeans, tee-shirts and sports shoes are not acceptable for Honours Awards. In all cases, the Principal’s ruling on the suitability of any item of clothing or a student’s presentation will be final.
Formal Dress Code
Formal dress uniform must be worn as specified—no exceptions. The Teacher in charge of this activity is responsible for ensuring it is worn correctly at all times.
▪ Awatapu College blazer and tie
▪ Plain white dress shirt or blouse
▪ Plain black pencil skirt (length range—top of knee to mid-calf) or trousers
▪ Black dress shoes/ankle boots (neutral/black stockings if necessary). No ballet shoes
▪ Jewellery, make-up and hair must be in accordance with the Awatapu mufti code. If worn, jewellery / make-up must be discreet and in keeping with formal dress