Student / Parent On-Line Portal
The Portal is an online tool which gives students and parents/caregivers direct access to the below information:
1. Calendar – Calendar of school events.
2. Attendance and Timetable – Please note that the attendance data is not live - a three-day delay applies. Should you have any queries about attendance records, please contact, in the first instance, Attendance on 356 4817 extn 8858
3. Reports – Copy of all school reports.
4. Financial (under Details) - Caregiver e.g: feature allows you to pay fees by credit card. Part payments are permitted. Receipts can be downloaded, and a full payment history is also displayed including the following method/s of payment - eftpos, cash, credit card or automatic payment.
5. NCEA Summary – NZQA ratified results and stored results. Please note that the latter are results held by the college which may not yet be confirmed with NZQA and should not be considered official.
6. Results - Current Year Results – Results for internal and practice grades for the current year.
7. School Life - Awards – Significant awards received.
8. Details – Changes to key details which can be made by the primary caregiver (e.g. contact information).
9. Library – Lists books issued and if overdue from the Awatapu College Library.
10. Notices - Daily notices for students only.
11. Absence Report - Notify the College of an absence from school.
Details regarding how to access the portal, including passwords, will be emailed out. If you have any issues regarding the Portal please email the School Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.