All International Students at Awatapu College live with a homestay family approved by the school, or with their parent/s or designated caregiver. Homestay families are carefully selected, having been assessed (including police vetting) as suitable caregivers. Students may not live in a flatting situation.

Students are assured of individual bedrooms with study facilities. 

We have a pastoral team responsible for homestay family selection, student placement with suitable families, ongoing support, monitoring, and administrative duties. They will assist with arranging a suitable homestay family and liaise with them on your behalf.

Host families are visited 2-3 times per year and students are interviewed at the end of every term. There is a 24/7 mobile number available to all international students and their homestay families to contact staff at any time if the need arises.

There is a weekly homestay fee as outlined in our Fees and Refunds section.

