Awatapu College is recognised as one of the leading schools in New Zealand for International Students.

"Student support the key to success... Palmerston North's Awatapu College uses its focus on student services to give it an edge...".
(Education New Zealand Case Study, 2013)

We offer a wide range of academic and vocational subjects. All courses are registered with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), with senior students working towards national qualifications (NCEA) recognised by all New Zealand universities and tertiary institutes. In addition, International Students are also prepared to meet the entry requirements for university entrance English Literacy (ELL) in New Zealand and overseas.

While International Students do study in classes alongside New Zealand students, the International Department provides additional language and academic support through:
• Intensive English Language (ELL) classes
• Subject support classes where students are tutored on content material taught in the mainstream classes.
• The use of teacher aides to support and monitor student progress in mainstream classes focusing on the in-class work and homework completion.

Subject guides for each year level of study can be found here to assist you with your subject choices.

Awatapu College consistently achieves student pass rates in NCEA above the national average:

Awatapu College NCEA Results
Level One 90% 87% 87%
Level Two 97% 95% 90%
Level Three 80% 93% 84%